Dashboard - Setup Overview

Use the Dashboard to view charts, grids, and data for your company. You can arrange dashboard objects in any configuration you want and even resize windows. Once you configure the Dashboard to your liking, save the arrangement to appear the next time you open Traverse.

This section will guide you through:

  • Activating the Dashboard - the dashboard needs to be added as an installed application using the Traverse Server Manager and setting menu permissions for each group and which dashboards will be visible for them.
  • Enabling the Dashboard - The dashboard needs to be enabled in Traverse using the Preferences function.
  • Dashboard Functionality - Adding dashboards to your screen, positioning the dashboards, setting criteria for the dashboards and saving the dashboards.
  • Dashboard Component Overviews - A list of each available dashboard and what is displayed in the dashboard.

You can find more information about how to work with dashboards in the Dashboard Tutorial in the Traverse Knowledge Base.